
Financial Stocks Are Cheaper Than Usual | FAST Graphs

5 A Rated Life and Health Insurance Dividend Growth Stocks Since the recession of 2008 in 2009, financial stocks in general have been trading at significantly lower valuations than normal. This creates several opportunities for the value investor. First of all, there is always the potential turbocharging of your performance if the stocks move back …

Stock Prices Follow Fundamentals In The Long Run | FAST Graphs

20 Stocks Most investors take their cue from stock price volatility. They get attracted to stocks whose prices are rising and tend to run for the hills when prices are falling. However, in the long run fundamentals matter much more than stock prices. Growing fundamentals lead to long-term returns, while shrinking fundamentals ultimately lead to …

25 Stocks Subscribers Asked To See | FAST Graphs

It’s a Market of Stocks – Not a Stock Market It would be an understatement to say that the stock market has been volatile recently. But as I always say, it’s a market of stocks, not a stock market. Much of the damage has resulted from stocks trading at significantly overvalued levels for several years. …

Forecasting Future Earnings | FAST Graphs

Forecasting Although you can learn a great deal from studying the past, you can only invest in the future. Furthermore, historical performance is functionally related to the growth a given company (stock) achieves. Consequently, if future growth changes dramatically (as it often does) that stands to reason that future performance will adjust accordingly. Simply stated, …