
PayPal Stock Analysis: Is it Time to Invest? | FAST Graphs

PayPal Stock Analysis In this video, Chuck Carnevale, Co-founder of FAST Graphs, the Fundamentals Analyzer Software Tool will analyze the performance and valuation of PayPal (PYPL) stock. He will discuss the significant drop in stock value and the importance of considering both growth potential and attractive valuation when investing in growth stocks. Chuck will also …

Growth Stocks Vs. Dividend Growth Stocks: Which Is Better For You?

Growth Stocks and Dividend Growth Stocks In this video, Chuck Carnevale, Co-Founder of FAST Graphs, a.k.a Mr. Valuation, discusses the differences between investing in growth stocks vs. dividend growth stocks. He will explain the concept of valuation and how it plays a role in both types of investments. Through examples and calculations, Chuck will demonstrate …

4 Above-Average Growth Stocks with Low PEG Ratios

Above-Average Growth Stocks In this video, Chuck Carnevale, Co-Founder of FAST Graphs a.k.a Mr. Valuation will be sharing four growth stocks that he found using our FAST Graphs Premium Preset Screens in our Screening Tool. These stocks have good growth potential, solid total returns, and are reasonably valued. Chuck will provide you with a quick …

How You Can Find the Best Stocks To Invest In! | FAST Graphs

Introduction To find the best stocks to invest in, there are more than 19,000 stocks to pick from in the US and Canadian markets alone. Consequently, how is the individual self-directed investor able to find the best stocks to meet their goals objectives and risk tolerances? Finally, there is a way that you can easily …

2 Stocks To Double In 3 Years Paying 8% Dividend Income

Dividend Income The stock market has got to be the weirdest market in existence. It is the only place where people go to buy things and hate it when those things go on sale. They love it when the things they want to buy are insanely overpriced and run in fear when they become great …

26 Most Recommended Artificial Intelligence Stocks 

Artificial Intelligence Stocks In this video I will be providing an overview of 26 top-rated companies in the field of artificial intelligence stocks. We’ll explore their valuations and growth potential, helping you answer the question: Are these companies still good investments? While I won’t be recommending any specific stocks, I’ll give you a high-level perspective …